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Storz Coupling & Adaptors
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Storz Couplings

The Storz Couplings have the Forged Clamping Nut. The major benefit of using the Storz couplings is that the clamp fitting is free to rotate on the tail, thus avoiding the twisting of the hose and also avoids the rotation of seal against seal.

Standard Specifications
Storz Clamp/NUT Material


Opearting Pressure

Aluminiun Alloy-Forged

Storz 25 -DIN 14301
Storz 52- DIN 14321
Storz 65- NEN 3374
16 Bar (1600kPa)
PSZC-25-12T Storz 25 x 12 Tail Coupling   31 12 54
PSZC-25-19T Storz 25 x 19 Tail Coupling   31 19 54
PSZC-25-25T Storz 25 x 25 Tail Coupling DIN 14301 31 25 54
PSZC-38-19T Storz 38 x 19 Tail Coupling   52 19 90
PSZC-38-25T Storz 38 x 25 Tail Coupling   52 25 90
PSZC-38-32T Storz 38 x 32 Tail Coupling   52 32 90
PSZC-38-38T Storz38 x 38 Tail Coupling   52 38 90
PSZC-52-25T Storz 52 x 25 Tail Coupling   66 25 90
PSZC-52-38T Storz 52 x 38 Tail Coupling   66 38 90
PSZC-52-52T Storz 52 x 52 Tail Coupling DIN 14321 66 52 90
PSZC-65-38T Storz 65 x 38 Tail Coupling NEN 3374 81 38 90
PSZC-65-52T Storz 65 x 52 Tail Coupling NEN 3374 81 52 90
PSZC-65-65T Storz 65 x 65 Tail Coupling NEN 3374 81 65 90
PSZC-65-70T Storz 65 x 70 Tail Coupling NEN 3374 81 70 90
PSZC-75-65T Storz 75 x 65 Tail Coupling   89 65 125
PSZC-75-70T Storz 75 x 70 Tail Coupling   89 70 125
PSZC-75-75T Storz 75 x 75 Tail Coupling DIN 14322 89 75 125
PSZC-90-90T Storz 90 x 90 Tail Coupling   106 90 160
PSZC-100-100T Storz 100 x 100 Tail Coupling   115 100 150
PSZC-125-125T Storz 125 x 125 Tail Coupling   148 125 200
PSZC-150-150T Storz 150 x 150 Tail Coupling   160 150 180

Storz Female Adaptor

The Storz Female Adaptors are used to form the easy and quickest connection from the hose Couplings to the fire fighting fittings such as branch pipes, nozzles, hydrant boosters, pumps etc.

Standard Specifications
Storz Clamp/NUT Material


Opearting Pressure

Aluminium Alloy-Forged

Storz 25 -DIN 14306
Storz 52- DIN 14307
Storz 65- NEN 3374
Storz 75 - DIN 14308
16 Bar (1600kPa)
  Codes Description STD A B
PSZA-25-1NH-F Storz 25 x 1" NHFEMALE 31 1" NH
PSZA-25-12BSP-F Storz 25 x 12 BSP Female 31 12 BSP
PSZA-25-19BSP-F Storz 25 x 19 BSP Female 31 19 BSP
PSZA-25-25BSP-F Storz 25 x 25 BSP Female DIN 14306 31 25 BSP
PSZA-38-38BSP-F Storz 38 x 38 BSP Female 52 38 BSP
PSZA-52-38BSP-F Storz 52 x 38 BSP Female 66 38 BSP
PSZA-52-52BSP-F Storz 52 x 52 BSP Female DIN 14307 66 52 BSP
PSZA-65-38BSP-F Storz 65 x 38 BSP Female NEN 3374 81 38 BSP
PSZA-65-52BSP-F Storz 65 x 52 BSP Female NEN 3374 81 52 BSP
PSZA-65-65BSP-F Storz 65 x 65 BSP Female NEN 3374 81 65 BSP
PSZA-65-2.5NH-F Storz 65 x 2.5" NH Female NEN 3374 81 2.5" NH
PSZA-65-CFA-F Storz 65 x CFA Female NEN 3374 81 CFA
PSZA-65-MFB-F Storz 65 x MFB Female NEN 3374 81 MFB
PSZA-65-NSW-F Storz 65 x NSW Female NEN 3374 81 NSW
PSZA-65-QRT-F Storz 65 x QRT Female NEN 3374 81 QRT
PSZA-65-SA-F Storz 65 x SA Female NEN 3374 81 SA
PSZA-65-BI-F Storz 65 x BI Female NEN 3374 81 BI
PSZA-75-52BSP-F Storz 75 x 52 BSPFemale 89 52 BSP
PSZA-75-65BSP-F Storz 75 x 65 BSP Female DIN 14308 89 65 BSP
PSZA-75-75BSP-F Storz 75 x 75 BSP Female 89 75 BSP
PSZA-90-65BSP-F Storz 90 x 65 BSP Female 106 65 BSP
PSZA-90-75BSP-F Storz 90 x 75 BSP Female 106 75 BSP
PSZA-100-65BSP-F Storz 100 x 65 BSP Female 115 65 BSP
PSZA-100-75BSP-F Storz 100 x 75 BSP Female 115 75 BSP
PSZA-100-100BSP-F Storz 100 x 100 BSP Female 115 100 BSP
PSZA-100-CFA-F Storz 100x CFA Female 115 CFA
PSZA-125-65BSP-F Storz 125 x 65BSP Female 148 65 BSP
PSZA-125-1005BSP-F Storz 125 x 100BSP Female 148 100 BSP
PSZA-125-125BSP-F Storz 125 x 125BSP Female 148 125 BSP
PSZA-125-4.5NH-F Storz 125 x 4.5" NH Female 148 4.5" NH
PSZA-125-5NH-F Storz 125 x 5" NH Female 148 5" NH

Storz150 x 150BSP Female

160 150 BSP

Storz Male Adaptor

The Storz Male Adaptors are used to form the easy and quickest connection from the hose couplings to the fire fighting fittings such as branch pipes, nozzles, hydrant boosters, pumps etc.

Standard Specifications
Storz Clamp/NUT Material


Opearting Pressure

Aluminium Alloy-Forged

Storz 25 -DIN 14306
Storz 52- DIN 14307
Storz 65- NEN 3374
16 Bar (1600kPa)
Special Note - Ribbed Storz Male Adaptors Can also be Supplied
  Codes Description STD A B
PSZA-25-1NH-M Storz 25 x 1" NH Male 31 1" NH
PSZA-25-1NPSH-M Storz 25 x 1" NPSH Male 31 1" NPSH
PSZA-25-12BSP-M Storz 25 x 12BSP Male 31 12 BSP
PSZA-25-19BSP-M Storz 25 x 19BSP Male 31 19 BSP
PSZA-25-25BSP-M Storz 25 x 25BSP Male DIN 14306 31 25 BSP
PSZA-38-25BSP-M Storz 38x 25BSP Male 52 25 BSP
PSZA-38-38BSP-M Storz 38 x 38BSP Male 52 38 BSP
PSZA-52-38BSP-M Storz 52 x 38BSP Male 66 38 BSP
PSZA-52-52BSP-M Storz 52x 52BSP Male DIN 14307 66 52 BSP
PSZA-65-38BSP-M Storz 65 x 38BSP Male NEN 3374 81 38 BSP
PSZA-65-52BSP-M Storz 65 x 52BSP Male NEN 3374 81 52 BSP
PSZA-65-65BSP-M Storz 55 x 65BSP Male NEN 3374 81 65 BSP
PSZA-65-2.5NH-M Storz 65 x 2.5" NH Male NEN 3374 81 2.5" NH
PSZA-65-CFA-M Storz 65 x CFA Male NEN 3374 81 CFA
PSZA-65-MFB-M Storz 65 x MFB Male NEN 3374 81 MFB
PSZA-65-NSW-M Storz 65 x NSW Male NEN 3374 81 NSW
PSZA-65-QRT-M Storz 65 x QRT Male NEN 3374 81 QRT
PSZA-65-SA-M Storz 65 x SA Male NEN 3374 81 SA
PSZA-65-BI-M Storz 65 x BI Male 81 BI
PSZA-75-52BSP-M Storz 75 x 52BSP Male 89 52 BSP
PSZA-75-65BSP-M Storz 75 x 65BSP Male 89 65 BSP
PSZA-75-75BSP-M Storz 75 x75BSP Male 89 75 BSP
PSZA-90-65BSP-M Storz 90 x 65BSP Male 106 65 BSP
PSZA-90-75BSP-M Storz 90 x 75BSP Male 106 75 BSP
PSZA-100-100BSP-M Storz100 x 100BSP Male 115 100 BSP
PSZA-125-100BSP-M Storz125 x 100BSP Male 148 100 BSP
PSZA-125-125BSP-M Storz 125 x 125BSP Male 148 125 BSP
PSZA-150-150BSP-M Storz 150 x 150BSP Male 160 150BSP

Storz Reducers

The Storz to Storz Reducers are used to connect the Hoses or Fittings having different sizes. The Storz Reducers are available with Clamp Fittings on both ends, thereby enabling to connect the required reduced sizes. The seals are provided on both sides of the Storz formation.

Aluminium Alloy-Forged

Standard Specifications
Storz Clamp/NUT Material

Storz 52- DIN 14341
Storz 65- NEN 3374
Storz 75- NEN 14342
Storz 100- Din 14343

Seal Material Operating Pressure
Nitrile Rubber 16 Bar (1600 kPa)
Storz Reducers - Swivel & Rigid
Codes Description STD


End - A



PSZR-38-25 Storz 38 x Storz 25 52 31
PSZR-52-25 Storz 52 x Storz 25 DIN 14351 66 31
PSZR-52-38 Storz 52 x Storz 38 66 52
PSZR-65-25 Storz 65 x Storz25 NEN 3374 81 31
PSZR-65-38 Storz 65 x Storz 38 81 52
PSZR-65-52 Storz 65x Storz 52 81 66
PSZR-75-52 Storz 75 x Storz 52 DIN 14342 89 66
PSZR-75-65 Storz 75 x Storz 65 89 81
PSZR-90-65 Storz 90 x Storz 65 106 81
PSZR-90-75 Storz 90x Storz 75 106 89
PSZR-100-75 Storz 100 x Storz 75 115 89
PSZR-100-90 Storz 100 x Storz 90 115 106
PSZR-150-100 Storz 150 x Storz 100 160 115
PSZR-150-125 Storz 150 x Storz 125 160 148

Storz Blank Caps

The Storz Blank Caps are used to close the hoses, equipments and fittings. Like Storz Couplings and Storz Adaptors, these Storz Blank Caps also form the "Quick Connection".

Aluminium Alloy-Forged

Standard Specifications
Storz Clamp/NUT Material

Storz 25 -DIN 14310
Storz 52- DIN 14311
Storz 75- NEN 14312
Storz 100 - Din 14313

Operating Pressure 16 Bar (1600 kPa)
Codes Description STD A
PSZC-25 Storz 25 CAP DIN 14310 31
PSZC-38 Storz 38 CAP 52
PSZC-52 Storz 52 CAP DIN 14311 66
PSZC-65 Storz 65 CAP 81
PSZC-75 Storz 75 CAP DIN 14312 89
PSZC-90 Storz 90 CAP 106
PSZC-100 Storz 100 CAP DIN 14313 115
PSZC-125 Storz 125 CAP 148
PSZC-150 Storz 150 CAP 160